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Delivered to the Aliens: Cosmic Connections Page 5

  A year. That was nothing.

  She needed a drink. Searching the kitchen failed to reveal a hidden cache of booze. Fortunately, there was enough credit on the stick for a drink or two.

  Sophia slammed the truck door closed.

  “Please state destination,” the auto-nav chimed.

  “Any place with cold beer.”

  “Unknown. Please be more specific.”

  Sophia rolled her eyes hard enough to pull a muscle. “A bar. Drive. Now.”

  The old truck rattled back into town. The low, blocky buildings all looked the same but she trusted the nav system to deliver her to the local bar. The sign over the door was in Corravian script but the nav system informed her it was called the Watering Hole.

  Sophia stood in the door, letting her eyes adjust to the bar’s dim interior. Corravians had better low-light vision than Terrans. The bright sun of Corra explained why everyone wore tinted goggles to protect their sensitive eyes. Shadowy and vague Corravian shapes inhabited the bar.

  Sophia approached the bar. Beers on taps and prices were written in Corravian. The bartender nodded at her, his horns a twisting silhouette against a sulfurous yellow light.

  “What’dya have?”

  “Beer. I’m not picky.” She slapped the credit stick on the counter.

  The male plopped a bottle on the counter. “We don’t get a lot of your kind around here.”

  “Women who use booze as an emotional crutch or Terrans?” she asked.

  The male chuckled warmly.

  “I’m just looking for a drink, that’s all,” Sophia said. The beer was cold, which was the best she could hope for. She swallowed the bitter brew in a gulp.

  She took the bottle and headed to a table. Drinking alone wasn’t the best example of problem solving but it sure made her feel better about her terrible judgment in men. Alton seemed decent enough. So did Derek and look how that turned out.

  Sophia thought back to their conversation that morning. He didn’t flat out lie but he misrepresented the situation. She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but how many times did she give Derek the same benefit? Excuse away his bad behavior? Give him a second and third chance? Too many times.

  Sophia was faced with the question of whether she was willing to let a man take advantage of her again.

  Or two men.

  Her gaze focused on the table top and the worn varnish, as if the answer could be divined from the wood grain.

  A large figure sat down in the chair opposite her.

  “Not interested,” Sophia said, not lifting her eyes from the table top.

  “Pretty little thing like you should be interested.” The male folded his arms over his wide chest, a sneer on his lips. His had a hard, brutal face with thin, pinched lips.

  “I’m married.” Yup, legally bound to her Brace.

  The male leaned forward and breathed deep, nostrils flaring. “You smell like Alton and Zan but they haven’t mated you.” Which makes her fair game, his tone implied.

  “I’m married,” Sophia repeated. She flapped her hand in a dismissive gesture. He did not appreciate it.

  “You hear that, fellas,” he called out to the room. “The little Terran is taken.” Two shadowy figures crowded her at the table. They dwarfed her easily. A hand patted her hair. Another stroked her shoulders. Sophia flinched, swatting the hands away. She moved to stand but a set of strong hands held her in place. The Corravian males towered over her diminutive human form.

  Panic curled in the pit of her stomach. Coming in for a drink was a mistake.

  “If she’s mated, then why is Alton running around with his little starter horns?” a new voice asked. The crowd laughed.

  “Maybe he needs us to show him how.”

  Oh no. Oh no. This was not happening. She refused to be a victim today.

  The plasma blaster Alton gave her rested in her bag on the floor. She’d never be able to reach it quickly enough. She took a deep breath. The one thing she learned working the worst dive bars in Aldrin One was how to break a bottle and make the customers kept their hands to themselves. Time to put her skills into action.

  Sophia slammed the base of the bottle against the table, leaving her holding a jagged piece of glass. She twisted and moved her arm backwards, pressing the broken bottle against the stomach of the male directly behind her. She held the gaze of the ringleader. She raised an eyebrow, digging the jagged edge in. The unfortunate man with a broken bottle poking into his gut, sucked in his breath.

  “I suggest you leave the lady alone,” a welcomed voice said.

  Zan faced off against the unnamed male. The two men stared at each other for a long, tense minute. Alton joined Zan, arms folded over his chest.

  The other male sneered. “She ain’t that pretty now that I get a good look at her.” With a nod of his head, he called off the other two.

  Zan stood still, hands clenched into fists, watching the men exit the bar. Only when the light spilled in from the open door did he visibly relax.

  “You all right?” he asked.

  Sophia nodded. Her heart pounded in her chest but she was unharmed.

  “Those guys are assholes,” Zan said.

  “They ruined my drink.”

  Alton plucked the broken bottle from her hand. “Why are you drinking this swill?”

  “It’s what the bartender gave me.”

  “So you enjoy drinking dishwater?”

  Sophia cocked her head to the side. “The menu doesn’t exactly have pictures.”

  “How about I get you something better than dishwater.” Sophia watched Alton amble over to the bar. Zan settled into a vacant seat at the table.

  “Gavis, Vinis and Linis haven’t been right since their wife left them,” he said. “Sorry you had to find out the hard way.”

  “I thought Braces were pairs of two.” Not three.

  “Deviants are everywhere nowadays.”

  Alton arrived and handed out chilled bottles. Sophia sipped cautiously, pleased to discover a smooth brew.

  “So,” she said, setting her bottle on the table. “When were you going to explain this whole Brace thing to me? Or were you both going to crawl into bed and see what happened?” A slow blush spread over her face as she spoke. Honestly, that didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Sophia pressed the back of her hand to her cheek. She was flushed. Must be the booze.

  “I’ve been upfront,” Alton said, causing Zan to snort. Interesting. Sophia’s gaze flickered from Alton’s sincere expression to Zan’s skeptical face.

  “I’m not opposed to two,” Sophia said. She picked up the bottle again, rolling the chilled glass between her hands. Her statement was true, which surprised her. Two mates seemed… right.

  “I’d appreciate honesty from here on out.”

  Also true. Derek was a liar, a cheater, a gambler and a manipulative bastard. Honesty from her new husbands was the least she could demand.

  “I can do that,” Alton said. “But honesty needs to start with you.”

  Sophia paused in her fidgeting with the bottle.

  “What are you running from?”

  “I’m not running.”

  Alton shook his head. “See, I know the contract clearly states a Brace. Two. Either you didn’t care, but judging by how upset you are, you do care. Or you were in such a rush to leave that you agreed to anything the agency gave you.”

  Basically, yes. That’s exactly what happened.

  Sophia’s gaze went from Alton to Zan and back. The two men were of similar height but that’s where the difference ended. Alton was darker, taller and thicker built; his broad shoulders tapering to a slim waist. His short horns were in stark contrast to the tall, wildly curling set perched on Zan’s head. Zan was lean but muscular, a swimmer’s build. His skin tone was lighter and his hair a blond bleached by hours laboring in the sun.

  The men were not hard on the eyes; that was for sure. Both were handsome in their respective ways.

  As long as sh
e remained on Corra, she would stick out like a sore thumb. She needed Alton and Zan to blend in. She needed this relationship to work, at least for a year.

  “We don’t know each other,” Sophia said.

  “Then let’s get to know each other,” he said. “What were you in such a hurry to get away from?”

  Zan leaned forward on his elbows, intrigued by the conversation.

  “I had a boyfriend,” Sophia said. Alton growled. Surprised, she paused in her story. “Had. It’s been over for a while. He wasn’t a good guy.” She gave the bare bones retelling. Bad boyfriend. Gambling debts. Thug friends. Kicked him out, finally, and needed a fresh start. She glossed over the more desperate aspects of being broke and out of options.

  Alton frowned into his bottle and Zan’s lip curled with anger.

  “So you can see why I don’t like surprises,” Sophia said. She set her now empty bottle on the table and considered her Brace. “Why did you use an agency? A Terran agency?”

  Zan raised his eyebrows expectantly and glanced at Alton, who squirmed in his seat. Interesting.

  “You know how small towns are,” Alton said.

  “That’s not an answer. Honesty, remember,” Sophia said.

  “Yeah,” Zan chimed in. “Honesty is the best policy.”

  “Fine.” Alton rubbed at the base of his horns and gave Zan a measured look before speaking. “Zan and I haven’t been able to agree on a mate. I figured I’d let someone else make the decision and see what happened.”

  “Gambling with your potential mate?” Sophia asked. It was dangerously close to a stunt Derek would pull.

  “Letting smart people help,” he said. “Don’t you like me? I like you.” His flashed a grin, cocky and completely full of himself. Sophia distinctly remembered how he had her squirming in her chair that morning. Yeah, she liked him just fine.

  “What about you, Zan?” Sophia focused her gaze on the silent male.

  He took a long draw on his bottle before answering. “I’m willing to give this a shot.”

  “Okay,” Sophia said, “but we need some rules.”

  Alton nodded quickly. Zan remained still.

  “Honesty at all times. Yes?” The two men nodded. “I want my own bed and my own room.” Less temptation if she had her own space. “I’ll clean, I might even cook, but because I want to live somewhere nice, not because I’m your maid.” More nods. “I’d like to get a job and earn my own money.”

  “We have money,” Alton said.

  Sophia’s lips twitched in a smile. He was so eager. “My own. It’s a pride thing. Sound good?” Sophia held out her hand for a shake.

  “Agreed,” Alton said. He looked at her outstretched hand quizzically before gripping it by the fingers and giving it a pump.

  Sophia turned to Zan. He nodded and gave the same clumsy handshake.


  Alton hid his unease well but Zan saw it in the way his fingertips drummed the table. And the way his eyes never left the Terran woman. Sophia, Zan prompted himself. Her name was Sophia. The vowels and consonants wanted to roll around on his tongue, letting him savor the taste and shape of her name. That wasn’t the only rolling around and tasting he wanted to do.

  He frowned. His eyes were fixed on her as well but not for the same reason. She was holding back from them. Alton couldn’t see it, refused see it, but he’d find out her secret.

  Zan absently scratched at the base of his horns. He didn’t like it when she talked about her ex. A possessive growl issued in his throat. He liked it less when those meatheads, Gavis, Vinis and Linis, crowded around Sophia. Something in him clicked into place. Something primal and what he assumed was long gone: the need to protect his mate. Alton was the nurturing one in their Brace. He was their charming front, forging ties to the community and always having time for a friendly word. People liked Alton.

  Zan didn’t care much for talking. People tolerated Zan.

  Was it any wonder then that Zan sprang into action when he saw Sophia in distress? A strong male protects a vulnerable female. That’s what they did. It didn’t mean anything or that he was attracted to the Terran female. It certainly did not mean he accepted her as their mate.

  Sophia was too fragile. The meatheads at the bar only confirmed this fear. Taking a mate was too risky, even a strong Corravian female. A soft Terran female? No fangs, delicate pink skin and tiny in comparison to a Corravian? She’d need constant protection. Corra was simply too dangerous for a weak Terran mate.

  Zan suspected that if the crowd had been Terran, she would have held her own. Fire burned in her eyes; a fighter's spirit. She didn’t panic but instead found a tool to even out the situation. It wasn’t enough, of course. The Corravian males towered over her small frame. Zan came back around to the conclusion that Corra was far too dangerous for her. He had to make Alton see the wisdom in sending her back.

  He sent the truck back to the homestead on autopilot. He refused to give Alton any time alone with the Terran female. Alton would lay the charm on thick and she’d blush and giggle, falling a little bit in love with him. The notion seemed wrong to Zan. He wanted to be there for those moments, even if he wouldn’t admit to having gentler emotions.

  With all three wedged into the cabin of the vehicle, Zan found it hard to steer his thoughts away from the female. Her appealing scent filled the confined space, a tantalizing fresh mixture of citrus, sunshine and something sweetly feminine. He couldn’t put his finger on it. Perhaps it was the way her thigh pressed against his, or the restless way her hands fluttered, but Zan wanted to pull her to him and never let go.

  It was the mating instinct. Nothing more. He didn’t want her, not really.

  “How many legs do those things have?” Sophia twisted in the seat, kneeling on the bench, and watched a herd of Bova through the back window. He totally wasn’t checking out the curve of her ass and thinking about sinking his fangs into her juicy…

  He. Did. Not. Want. Her.

  Zan grumbled, cock instantly hard. His hands clamped around her waist, pulling her down to the seat. “Sit. Alton is not a good driver.”

  “I’m a great driver,” his Brace partner said, smirk on his lips.

  Zan frowned and turned to stare out the passenger window, ignoring the throb deep within his horns. He didn’t desire the Terran female. He just needed to get laid, simple as that. His physical reactions were not her fault.

  They were Alton’s.

  Alton knew the mating instinct in Zan would kick in the moment a female came into their home. It was unfair, and frankly ignoble, the way his Brace partner put him at such a disadvantage. Since losing Arlean years ago, his body was primed. It craved a mate to care for and protect. Not only was he fighting Alton on this mail-order bride nonsense, he was fighting his own damn self.

  He so needed to get laid.

  He and Alton never really agreed on casual sex. Alton was too ready for a commitment. Zan wasn’t interested in anything long term. Maybe if they had shared a woman more often, Alton wouldn’t have felt the need for this harebrained scheme.

  Zan scratched at the base of his throbbing horns. Probably not.

  Back at the homestead, Zan carried in Sophia’s purchases. He didn’t know what the female had planned but she bounced excitedly when he carried up the rolled bed to the empty bedroom. That bouncing part was pretty nice, actually. It got better when he tore open the packaging and the bed unfurled and expanded. With a deep sigh, she flopped down on the mattress, dark hair fanning out behind her.

  Zan’s fingers twitched as he fought back the urge to stroke her hair, to see if it was as silky as it appeared. It was bad enough that he opened a few bottles and sniffed the contents, savoring the floral scents. He didn’t need to obviously fawn over the female. Alton did that enough for the two of them.

  Alton prepared the evening meal and Sophia quickly grew drowsy.

  “Your beer is stronger than what I’m used to,” she said, stifling a yawn.

  “You did have
three bottles,” Zan grumbled. They would have to stock a lighter brew, to keep her from going to the bar and encountering Gavis, Vinis and Linis again.

  “The first one barely counts. I hardly had any before...” Her voice grew quiet, thinking about events at the bar.

  Zan growled at the memory. Alton raised an eyebrow and smirked. Zan wanted punch the smirk off his face. He stood from the table abruptly, knocking back the chair.

  “I’m going to sleep now.”

  Alone in the bedroom, Zan stroked his cock. Sophia’s scent clung to the sheets. He did not want the Terran female. He did not feel protective. He did not want to claim Sophia for his own. The fingers of his free hand dug into the pillow where her scent was strongest. He certainly was not thinking about the juicy thickness of her thighs and how he wanted to wrap them around himself. He worked his cock with a strong stroke up the shaft and a twist at the head. His breathing grew erratic and he shuddered, spilling his release into his hand.

  He did not crave Sophia. At all.

  Chapter Eight


  The next day Sophia attacked the saniroom with a vengeance. Alton kept the kitchen clean but neglected the rest of the house. Dust and grime covered everything. The funk of stale air lingered. The heat of late summer did not help. She opened a few windows to air out the house but the odor would remain until she could thoroughly wash all the linens and scrub the floors. She had a plan to move through the house one room at a time, deep cleaning and then defending that clean with zeal.

  She rested in the heat of the day. A quick rinse in the freshly scrubbed bath cooled her and she lay on her bed. The house’s cooling unit pumped out tepid air, barely cooler than the outside temperature.

  Her head hurt with a dull pounding and a hint of nausea. She had two and half beers last night. Having a hangover from that was ridiculous. Maybe it was the heat. Sophia spent the last few years on a climate controlled space station with comfortable temperatures. If anything, the lower levels where she could afford rent were too chilly. The insulation wasn’t as good down in the cheap housing.